Monday, February 13, 2012

Make your own Valentine's stencils from punches

I love to use stencils and masks, and was inspired to make my own since the class I'm taking (The Curious Scrapbooker's Field Guide taught by May Flaum) is all about misting this week.

To start, I made my own stencils using my heart punches and a transparency. Punches are great when you'd like to make a row of something - just push the punch in until the paper hits the back, and use a vertical line to line everything up.  It's a little easier to show you than to take photos, so here is a little video showing how I made two stencils.

After I made the stencils, I had some fun playing with them for just a bit.  Again, it's easier to show, so I made another quick video.

Check back later in the week to see how I used my stencils to make a Valentine's card for my sweetie.  I can't show you his card before he sees it!

Hope you spend some time this week with someone you love.  I love to craft, so I hope I'm also able to have some time with my paper!

Here are a few options for transparencies - at 50-100 sheets per box, one box will make a lot of stencils.  You could share these with a friend, or just have plenty for you.  If you plan to print on them, make sure you choose one that works with your printer - they make versions for laser and ink jet printers.

1 comment:

  1. Great videos! I love this idea. I know I've got some transparencies around here somewhere...



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